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Lapis Lazuli is a fascinating and beautiful semiprecious gemstone that has captured the attention of humans since ancient times. With its deep blue color and internal flecks of golden or brown, it's no wonder why it's a popular choice for jewelry and decorative pieces

Total: 3 products
Lapis Lazuli - 10.12 Carats

Origin : Afghanistan

₹ 1,875 ₹ 1,500 ( 20 %Off )
Lapis Lazuli- 12.91 Carats

Origin : Afghanistan

₹ 1,625 ₹ 1,300 ( 20 %Off )
Lapis Lazuli - 9.65 Carats

Origin : Afghanistan

₹ 1,500 ₹ 1,200 ( 20 %Off )

Know more about LAPIS LAZULI

Gemstones are a true reflection of Mother Nature! One such gem reminiscent of a deep blue starry night sky is the Lapis Lazuli Stone. For ages, people across various civilizations have cherished Lapis Lazuli for its uniqueness. This blue gemstone is not only beautiful but also full of metaphysical properties.

Lapis Lazuli Stone in Hindi is also known as "Lajward Stone." Lajward has symbolized truth, wisdom, and power for over 6000 years. Even today, this gemstone is as significant as it was centuries ago. As per Vedic astrology, it represents the planet, Saturn (Shani). Meanwhile, Western astrology assigns it as a September birthstone.

Let us look at the chemical and physical properties of Lapis Lazuli below.

MineralRock (Metamorphic)
Chemical CompositionAn aggregate
Hardnessn aggregate
ColorGreenish to violet blue
Refractive Index1.500 - 1.670
Specific Gravity
2.75 (+/- 0.25)
OriginAfghanistan, Siberia, Chile, Myanmar, and the USA

Types of Lapis Lazuli Stone

We can classify Lapis Lazuli gemstones based on their color. Most trade grades are based on the gem's color and the presence or absence of pyrite or calcite. Let us look at Lapis Stone types available in the market today below.

  • Persian or Afghan Lapis Lazuli: Persian or Afghan stones display a uniform, intense, medium-dark blue hue. They are slightly violet-blue colored. They include little to no specks of pyrite or calcite.
  • Russian or Siberian Lapis Lazuli: Russian or Siberian Lajward stones exhibit different tones and intensities of blue color. They contain pyrite specks and sometimes calcite too.
  • Chilean Lapis Lazuli: Finally, we have Chilean Lapis Stone. This variety has spots of green with an evident presence of calcite.

Benefits of Lapis Lazuli Stone

Ancient gemstone, Lapis Lazuli has been revered for many reasons. This stone is stunning and enticing from the inside out. Mystics as well as royalties adored it alike for its beauty and benefits. As per Vedic astrology, Lajward represents Saturn (Shani), a potent and influential planet.

Wearing it can help strengthen Saturn's position in your birth chart. It can also shower you with the blessings of Lord Shani. Lajward Stone can bring peace, happiness, wisdom, prosperity, spirituality and much more. Let us look at more benefits of this blue colored gemstone below.

  • Enhances Oration: Lajward Stone is often associated with the throat chakra. So, adorning it can help improve your communication skills. It will help you express yourself and your ideas more authentically and clearly. If you want to enhance your public speaking skills, consider Lapis Stone.
  • Enhances Wisdom: This stone is also popular as the "wisdom stone." Wearing it can stimulate the mind, promoting intuition, intellect, and knowledge. It is excellent for people seeking mental clarity and understanding in their lives.
  • Improves Concentration: Lapis Lazuli Stone improves your concentration power. Especially for complex tasks that need sharp focus. It also fosters problem-solving and cognitive abilities. If you are a student, wearing it can help with your learning and education.
  • Improves Decision-Making: Lapis Stone can also enhance your decision-making skills. Thought clarity helps organize and make informed decisions with a clear mind. So, if you want to enhance this aspect of yourself, wear a Lajward Stone without a doubt.
  • Attracts Prosperity: Better oration skills, wisdom, focus and decision-making help you attract prosperity. If you want to manifest financial stability, growth and success, this gemstone is the best. This stone is believed to boost one's chances in anything with a touch of luck.
  • Promotes Emotional Balance: Lapis Stone can help reduce stress and bring peace to you. It can enlighten your path towards your spiritual journey. Wear it if you have been pursuing a connection with the universe and your true self.
  • Physical Health Benefits: This stone offers numerous physical health benefits. Adorning it can help with migraine, headaches, sleep, hearing, eyesight, and skin. The stone can also improve your immunity levels and, thyroid and throat health.
  • Stimulates Third Eye Chakra: Lapis Lazuli Stone can open and balance the third eye chakra. This chakra is associated with intuition, higher knowledge, and your sixth sense. Wear Lajward to improve your perception, spiritual awareness, and communication.
  • Protects from Negativity: Finally, adorning Lapis Stone can protect you from negativity. As per beliefs, this stone forms a protective layer around its wearer's aura.

To gain the benefits of Lajward Stone, talk to our experts at GemsRoot.

How to Choose the Best Lapis Lazuli?

Many people worldwide treasure Lapis Lazuli Stone for its stunning deep blue color. If you want to buy this stone, it is crucial to know the factors to look for. Key quality factors such as color, clarity, cut and carat can help you pick a quality gemstone.

So, here are the factors to consider when choosing a decent-quality Lajward Stone.

  • Color: The most crucial factor that determines a gem's quality is its color. Lapis Lazuli gets its color from the Sulfur present in the mineral Lazurite. The stone's blue hue is often described as indigo, midnight, royal or marine blue. But the most prized Lajward Stones display a blue to purplish-blue color.
  • Clarity: A Lajward Stone usually has few specks of pyrite or calcite or both on its surface. Some stones can also be free of specks with smooth uniform blue bodycolor. Both varieties are available and accepted in the market. Still, make sure pyrite or calcite specks are not overpowering the gem's blue color.
  • Cut: For the longest time, Lapis Lazuli Stone has been always shaped into cabochons. Some other shapes are beads, tablets, and inlays. So, the choice of a gem cut boils down to personal preference. Select the one which enhances the gem's beauty and resonates with you the most.
  • Carat: Lajward Stone is available in diverse sizes, and large sizes are quite common. If you are buying the stone for astrological reasons, make sure to get an ideal carat gem. Wear a Lapis Stone that is 1/10th of your body weight to gain the best results.

If you want further help in selecting the finest Lapis Lazuli, contact us at GemsRoot. Our experts offer gem advice based on your date of birth, birth chart and Lagna. Furthermore, they have the right knowledge to help you choose what is best for you. You can call us at +91 114-314-8316.

How Many Carats of Lapis Lazuli Stone Should I Wear?

As per Vedic astrology, you should wear a stone that is 1/10th of your total body weight. For example, if your body weight is 60 Kg, you must wear at least a 6-carat Lapis Lazuli Stone. Besides carat weight, make sure to select a Lajward Stone with the ideal color, clarity and cut.

Lapis Lazuli Stone Price

The best thing about this awe-inspiring gemstone is that it is quite reasonable. Lapis Lazuli stone price in India can start from INR 100/- and can go up to INR 250/- per carat plus. Lapis Lazuli's cost can further increase based on better quality factors. Nonetheless, it is very affordable compared to other astrological gemstones.

Who Should Wear Lapis Lazuli?

The Lapis Lazuli stone has captivated the heart of humanity for the right reasons. This gem can enhance wisdom, prosperity, success, happiness and much more. Yet not every zodiac sign can wear the Lajward Stone. You should wear an astrological gemstone only after an expert's consultation.

This helps in dodging any side effects that a stone might cause. In general, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius signs can wear Lapis Stone. Whereas, as per Western astrology, this blue gemstone is a September birthstone. To know if Lapis Lazuli Stone is suitable for you, contact GemsRoot.

How to Wear Lapis Lazuli?

The benefits of Lapis Lazuli gemstone can tempt anyone to buy and wear it. This stone has celestial benefits to offer its wearer. If you too want to gain its favors, it is best to follow a proper ritual. Observing a Vedic ritual will help get the stone ready for astrological purposes.

Here is how you can perform the Vedic ritual.

In a clean metal bowl, mix all the items in the list below to create a Panchamrit.

  • Unboiled cow's milk
  • Ganga Jal
  • Ghee
  • Honey
  • Tulsi leaves

Then, take your lapis lazuli stone ring, pendant or bracelet and immerse in the Panchamrit. Let the ornament rest in the bowl for 5 - 10 minutes while you chant the Shani mantra. After this, take the ornament out, rinse it with normal water and pat it dry using a soft cloth. Now, your Lajward stone is ready to wear.

Auspicious Day: Saturday/शनिवार

Auspicious Time: 5:00 AM - 7:30 AM

Ideal Metal: Gold, silver, or any white metal as suggested by your astrologer

Ideal Finger: Middle finger

Mantra: Recite the Shani mantra, "Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah/ऊँ शं शनैश्चराय नमः।" for 108 times

Disclaimer: The ideal metal or finger can differ based on a person's birth chart. So, contact our expert gemologists for further help on the same.

How to Activate Lapis Lazuli?

Be it Lapis Lazuli Stone or any other gemstone, they all need activation. This helps clean the stone of any negative energies lingering on it. Besides, activation also amplifies its metaphysical powers. Here is a simple method to activate your Lajward Stone.

One of the best methods to cleanse and activate your Lapis Stone is to use the moonlight. Place your Lapis Lazuli crystal/gemstone under the moonlight overnight. The positive energy of the moon will remove any negative vibrations present in the stone. It is best to perform the activation in full moonlight.

How to Take Care of Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis Stone demonstrates a durability of 5 -6 on the Mohs scale. This stone has fair toughness and is suitable for daily wear purposes. Yet, with proper care and cleaning, you can maintain your Lapis Lazuli stone jewelry well. Here is how you can keep your lapis lazuli crystal/gemstone beautiful as always.

Cleaning: If you want to clean Lajward Stone, you can use warm soapy water. This is the safest way to clean your gem at home. Make the soapy solution by mixing some lukewarm water and gentle soap in a bowl. Then take a soft cloth, dip in the solution, and clean the stone with gentle hands.

Once done, rinse your gem with normal water and pat it dry. Finally, buff out any residue using a soft lint-free cloth. Now, your Lapis Stone is ready to wear. Also, if your stone requires a deep cleaning, it is best to visit a professional gemstone cleaner.

Storage: Since Lajward Stone is more on the softer side, it is best to store it away from harder gems. Always keep it in a separate jewelry box or pouch with soft velvet lining. Also, store this blue gemstone in a cool and dry place, away from heat and sunlight.

Alternate Options of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli (Lajward Stone) is a popular substitute for Blue Sapphire. Like Neelam Stone, Lajward also displays various shades of blue hue. Besides looking alike, it also offers similar benefits to its wearer.

Moreover, Lapis is affordable compared to Neelam. Their costs differ like night and day. Lapis Lazuli price in India can start from INR 100/- and can go up to INR 250/- per carat plus. To buy Lajward Stone at the best price, contact us at GemsRoot.


How to Identify Lapis Lazuli?

If you want to identify an original Lapis Lazuli crystal or stone, look at its color. A real Lapis stone will exhibit a consistent deep blue color with natural pyrite flecks. These flecks of pyrite look like gold specks and are a sign of this stone's genuineness. A fake gemstone will often lack such subtle details.

Why to Wear Lapis Lazuli?

Wearing Lapis Lazuli stone jewelry can be favorable to many. This blue colored gem can help attune your mind, body, and soul. That is why it is also well-known as the wisdom stone. Lajward can further reduce stress and protect you from mental attacks. It can also enhance your psychic and intellectual abilities.

When to Wear Lapis Lazuli?

The best day to wear Lapis stone is Saturday morning between 5:00 AM and 7:30 AM. Besides, astrologers and gemologists suggest it to people with a malefic Saturn. It can help remove the ill effects while strengthening its position in the birth chart. This stone is also suggested to people who often fall sick.

What is the Lapis Lazuli Stone Famous for?

Lapis Lazuli gemstone has always been famous for its intense blue color. It was traded worldwide for its royal blue color; many believed it to be godlike. For centuries, different civilizations used to make lapis lazuli stone jewelry. Besides, it is popular for its healing properties and cosmic powers in the world of astrology.

Is Lapis Lazuli Good for Money?

Wearing Lajward can help attract protection and prosperity. If you are seeking financial stability and growth, this gemstone can be of immense help. It will provide you with ideas to help solve financial problems in your life. To know if Lapis Stone is lucky for you, contact us at GemsRoot today.

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