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Know more about Emerald 2 carat

Emerald Stone is one of the most sought-after gemstones ever! This admiration and revere are all for the right reasons. For thousands of years, humans have fallen in love with this gleaming green beauty. Emerald can be pricey; some stones surpass diamonds if compared carat to carat. Especially, a 2-carat Emerald can be mesmerizing.

But beyond the enchanting beauty and hefty price tag, Emerald has much more going on for it. There is a reason why this gemstone enchanted royalties, philosophers, and jewelry makers. Even Aristotle and Cleopatra were also charmed by the green stone. It was and is an embodiment of love, growth, rebirth, peace, security, and success.


Another major reason for Emerald's reverence is its astrological significance. As per Vedic science, this green gem is auspicious, favorable, and transformational. It represents a powerful planet Mercury, also known as Budh. This planet regulates some of the most crucial aspects of life. Wearing an Emerald Stone can help strengthen Mercury's position in your birth chart.

So, if the stone attracts you, consider buying a 2-carat Emerald. Adorning this astrological gem can resolve several issues in your life. Plus, it can open doors to new and better opportunities. Pave your path to a prosperous life with this green gem. Consult a gem expert to know if a 2-carat Emerald gemstone is lucky for you.

Emerald Stone Meaning & Symbolism

Emerald gemstone has unique meanings and symbolism across the world. Let us understand both in brief below.

Emerald Stone Meaning - The name Emerald hails from the Vulgar Latin term "Esmeralda." It is a Latin word Smaragdus's ancient Greek variant. Its literal translation means a "green gemstone." The Greek term "Smaragdus" might have a Sanskrit, Semitic, or Persian origin. Before the 18th century, the name Emerald was usually used for all green-colored gems.

Emerald in Hindi is better well-known as Panna Stone. Some other names for this green gemstone are Budh Ratna and Marakata (in Sanskrit). In Sanskrit, Marakata's literal translation means "the green of growing things." This stone also means new beginnings, peace, growth, loyalty and much more. This brings us to the symbolism of Panna gemstone.

Emerald Stone Symbolism - Panna symbolizes different things across distinct cultures and civilizations. Yet, this stone embodies growth, prosperity, truth, love, and wisdom on a universal level. It is also popular as the stone of prosperity, intuition, and the jewel of kings. The ancient men associated it with the Greek Goddess Venus, the Goddess of beauty and love.

According to the belief, if the person's heart were loyal, Panna would glow in an alluring green color. But, if love went awry, the stone would turn into a lifeless color. Also, it could protect lovers from infidelity and betrayal. The gem could also improve one's intelligence and memory. It enabled the wearer to think better about their past, present and future.

Now, let us move on to exploring the benefits of the 2-carat Panna Stone below.

Benefits of 2-carat Emerald Stone

Marakata Stone is full of healing and cosmic benefits! In Vedic astrology, it is one of the nine auspicious gemstones. So, it has foremost importance in astrology along with the gemstone world. You can harness these benefits by wearing the right carat Panna gem. To know if 2-carat Emerald is suitable for you, consult an expert gemologist or astrologer.

Let us get conversant with the astrological and healing benefits of 2-carat Panna.

Astrological Benefits of Emerald Stone

  • Improves Oration Skills: Panna represents Mercury which oversees our speech and eloquence. So, wearing this green stone can help improve how we talk, express and articulate. It is best for people who struggle with speech disorders such as lisp and stammering. Also, it helps overcome stage fright and fear of public speaking.
  • Wisdom & Intelligence: Mercury is also the planet of wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, and wit. Adorning it can help enhance your cognition, reasoning, and arithmetic skills. Experts often recommend it to students preparing for higher studies or competitive exams. It is also excellent for researchers, scholars, politicians, lawyers, judges, and public speakers.
  • Good Fortune & Prosperity: If you are seeking bountiful prosperity, go for Panna. Wearing it can help you attract good fortune, prosperity, and wealth. That is the reason why it is also known as the "stone of prosperity." Plus, it can open doors to new income opportunities, offering financial success.
  • Enhances Mental Clarity: If you often experience mental fog, Marakata is best for you. It helps boost mental clarity and concentration, leading to improved decision-making. This makes it an even better gemstone for judges and lawyers. Besides, it is great for people involved in trading and the stock market. All these domains need a clear mind to make significant decisions.
  • Improves Creativity: Panna Stone can promote creativity, imagination, and innovation. If you are into creative business ventures or entrepreneurship, this stone is for you. The stone facilitates better ideation and implementation of ideas. Besides businessmen, Panna is great for writers, musicians, and other such creative domains.
  • Professional Success: Emerald is well-known for removing obstacles from your path to success. Upon wearing this gem, you can gain professional success, recognition, and reputation. Not only professional, but you will also be successful in various aspects of life. Consider wearing a Panna for a fortunate, prosperous, and luxurious life.
  • Strong Relationships: Panna is also a gemstone known for love. Wearing it can help you rekindle your relationships. If you are seeking happiness and balance in your marriage, this is the gem for you. It fosters love, compassion, understanding and empathy between couples. Besides, it also promotes fertility in women and healthy progeny.

Healing Benefits of Emerald Stone

  • Physical Healing: The healing properties of Emeralds offer special physical healing benefits. Aristotle believed that Panna could cure illnesses such as epilepsy. Nonetheless, it can help ease headaches, allergies and issues related to the skin, ears, or eyes. Its nurturing energy can rejuvenate tired organs, strengthening your whole body.
  • Emotional Healing: Emerald is also a stone of love that can foster unconditional love. Wearing it can help weight or negative energy that has been clogging up your emotions. It can encourage you to release all the emotional tension you have been keeping within. This stone will lend you a hand and lift you right up.
  • Metaphysical Healing: Marakata stone has a strong association with the heart chakra or Anahata. It can help heal the wound around your heart from past traumas or experiences. The stone makes sure you are not keeping yourself away from love and self-care. When your Anahata is blocked, you might find it difficult to approach anyone. But when it is open and balanced, we trust our choices.

The astrological and healing benefits offered by Panna are remarkable. To know if you can harness these blessings by wearing a 2-carat Emerald, contact GemsRoot. Our experts at GemsRoot offer gem advice based on your date of birth, horoscope and Lagna. We ensure our clients are getting accurate gem recommendations and 100% natural gemstones. Call us today!

Quality Factors of 2-Carat Emerald Stone

A 2-carat Emerald Stone is stunning! Yet, this stone's beauty and quality depend on several factors. The factors including color, clarity, cut, origin, and treatment determine Panna's quality. These key quality attributes should be top-notch for the gem to be finest quality. Especially color is the most important quality aspect when it comes to Panna.

Here are the Emerald quality factors of 2-carat Emeralds:

Let us get to know the qualities to need to look for when choosing the finest 2-carat Panna Stone.

  • Color: As per GIA, the finest quality Emeralds display bluish to pure green hues. They must have vivid saturation and medium to high tones with no eye-visible color zoning. The stones should also exhibit an even distribution of the stunning green color. When it comes to color, always go for vibrant green Panna Stones.
  • Clarity: Clarity is another important quality determining factor for Emeralds. These green stones are well-known to include characteristic inclusions such as Jardins. These "Jardin" inclusions and fissures give a mossy appearance. The includes are acceptable as long as they do not affect the gem's transparency.
  • Cut: The Cut of a gemstone is significant as it determines its shine and sparkle. Emerald stones are challenging to cut as they are brittle in nature. So, go for a cut that maximizes the beauty, brilliance, and shine of a Panna Stone. Some of the most popular cuts for this gem are round and emerald-shaped cuts.
  • Origin: The origin of the stone can also influence its quality. Some of the highest quality Marakata Stones come from Zambia, Colombia, and Brazil. Some other source locations are Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Russia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, and the US. Different intensities of Emeralds form in distinct locations all over the world.
  • Treatment: The stone treatment history can also help determine its quality. Usually, natural, and high-quality stones would not undergo any kind of treatment. Nonetheless, oiling, and wax treatments are quite common in Emerald. No-oil and untreated Panna stones often wear a hefty price tag. Try buying a stone that is natural and also suits your budget.

For further help choosing the best 2-carat Emerald Stone, contact experts at GemsRoot.

Price Factors and Buying Guide

The factors determining Panna quality also determine its value. Emerald price in India per carat depends on its color, clarity, cut, origin, and treatment. The better these factors are in a 2-carat Panna, the higher the price. While inferior color, clarity and cut will result in a lower Panna price. Let us look at Emerald's price ranging from reasonable to luxe below.

Budget-FriendlyINR 4000/- to INR 10,000/
PremiumINR 10,000/- to INR 20,000/
Super PremiumINR 20,000/- to INR 30,000/
Super Premium PlusINR 30,000/- to INR 50,000/
LuxeINR 50,000/- plus

To buy a 2-carat Panna gemstone at the best price, contact us at GemsRoot. We offer 100% natural and GRS-lab-certified gemstones at affordable prices. Also, our astrological gems are genuine, ethical, sustainable, and conflict-free. Call us at +91 114-314-8316 and buy an Emerald suitable as per your budget. Contact our expert gemologists at GemsRoot today!

Uses & Applications of 2-Carat Emerald Stone

Most Emeralds are used for jewelry making and astrological purposes. Emerald is big on high couture fashion. We often get to see Emerald studded jewelry pieces on the red carpet and at other big events. Besides, Panna has significant importance in the world of astrology. According to it, this stone is one of the most favorable gemstones ever.

As per Vedic science, Panna represents Mercury (Budh), a powerful planet. It oversees some of the most crucial life aspects like communication, cognition, travel, trade, and technology. It also regulates wisdom, wit, knowledge, intellect, peace, and happiness. So, it is essential to have a well-placed Mercury in your horoscope.

A favorable Mercury will yield positive results. Whereas a malefic one will give negative results. Wearing Panna Stone can help strengthen Budh's position in one's birth chart. Consult a learned astrologer to know if Panna is lucky for you. If it is you can consider wearing 2-carat Emerald Stone. This gem can bless you with unimaginable benefits, peace, and Joy.

Care & Maintenance of 2-carat Emerald Stone

If you want to keep up a gemstone's stunning beauty and shine, it is important to take proper care of it. Likewise, maintaining and caring for a Panna gem is non-negotiable. This not only maintains the gem's natural allure but also preserves its metaphysical powers. Plus, over time, an enchanting stone like Panna can also get dirty.

Marakata Stone displays a 7.5 - 8 rating on the Mohs scale, indicating fair to medium hardness. This further means that you can clean this gem using easy methods at home. Yet, remember that it is a brittle gemstone, susceptible to scratching, cracking and other damage. So, avoid the use of harsh cleaning agents or chemicals at all costs.

  • Cleaning: With every wear, your gemstone can accumulate dirt and grime. Use a simple warm, soapy solution to clean it. In a clean metal bowl take lukewarm water, add some gentle soap, and stir well to make a soapy solution. Then, take a soft cloth, dip it in the soapy mixture and clean around the Stone.

Once done, rinse your stone using normal and pat it dry using a soft lint-free cloth. You can also buff out any residues on the stone using the same cloth. Besides harsh chemicals, remember to steer clear of steam or ultrasonic cleaning. If your green gem needs a deep cleaning, it is best to take it to an expert.

  • Storage: When storing Emerald stones, keep them away from other gemstones. This will prevent hard knocks, scratches, cracks, and other damage. Keep the stones in a velvet-lined jewelry box or pouch meant for storing. Also, always keep your jewelry box or pouch in a cool and dry place, away from heat or sunlight.

The charm and cosmic benefits of the 2-carat Emerald Stone are undeniable. If this gemstone is lucky for you, go for it without a doubt. Nonetheless, it is best to talk to an astrologer or gemologist first. They can let you know if wearing this stone will yield positive outcomes for you.

At GemsRoot, we offer accurate gem recommendations and 100% natural gemstones. Our experts offer our clients gem advice based on your date of birth, Kundali and Lagna. Plus, our stones are real, conflict-free, ethical, sustainable, and lab-certified. We provide gem certificates from GRS, GIA, and other such reputable institutions. Visit our website or call us at +91 114-314-8316 today!

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